Sunday, October 21, 2007

03. Classified

I don't mean to be vague, but I am very excited.

The details of which cannot be fully expressed due to legal agreements with one such benefactor of said excitement.

See, I've been tooling with ideas about a webcomic to submit to Zuda Comics. A new imprint by DC Comics that allows ANYONE to submit their work, take part in competitions, and if popular with the big wigs, sign contracts that could make you a few bucks richer.

I'm currently on the hunt for an artist, as I already have a concept (and first strip written) in mind . I have an idea of who I'd like to draw it and have already contacted them, but now I'm just waiting for a response. I'm hoping if all goes according to plan, that I'll have a big hit on my hands.

Everything is just preliminary, but signs point towards good.

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