This is truly a remarkable afternoon (for me, probably not for you).
POWBLAMSHAZAM is up and running! This is great for me, because it gives me an outlet for my comic book obsession, but at the same time I hope it benefits those who come across this blog (*cricket*).
My goal with
POWBLAMSHAZAM is to give people in-depth (as much as possible) reviews of books that end up in my hands every Wednesday, look at upcoming books and events or other comic-related activity, promote my own work, and just give people a warm experience to sit down with. My goal
is not to burn out your eyes with an atrocity. I hope this site works for you as much as it does for me.
First off, I'd like to plug a book that hit shelves this week called
The Sword. It's by Joshua and Jonathan Luna, otherwise known as "The Luna Brothers."
This is my first experience with the Luna Brothers, though I am very aware of their previous works such as
Girls, Spider-Woman: Origins, and
Ultra. This book is able to stand on it's own legs and carry a believable cast of characters on every page, which makes the last few pages of the book a

punch in the gut for those who come to care about these fictional people in such a short amount of time. The book centers around, you guessed it, a sword. The protagonist is an art student named Dara, a wheel chair-bound young woman with great aspirations. Sadly, things seem to take a turn for the worse when some mysterious people show up during dinner and start pointing fingers. They believe that Dara's father is an old associate of theirs, as well as the owner of a powerful sword, which is what they truly came for. What happens after that is something you need to experience for yourself, but I believe this book is worth the 2.99 you still have sitting in your wallet (I know it's there).
Nutshell: The Sword is an emotional piece of work. Though the issue isn't packed from cover to cover with story, it still gives you a substantial amount of insight into the lives of Dara and her family and friends. Which I believe is necessary to make this opener work. Have no fear. If you're a fan of previous Luna work, or just looking for something different. Give
The Sword a gander.
Thank you once again, if you've stumbled across my site. If you have any questions, my e-mail is available in my profile and I'm usually available on AIM (powblamshazam). I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.